How To Reduce Cellulite With Pineapples!

pineapple Eat Pineapple Everyday And Watch Your Cellulite Start To Disappear!

There is a quick and yummy way that you can start to reduce the appearance of cellulite all over your body.

As we all know, the sugar we eat goes into our fat cells and makes them expand – causing cellulite to form.

But, what most of  us don’t know is that we can actually reduce the appearance of our cellulite by eating certain foods!

These foods are known as cellulite reducing foods because they contain Bromelain.

And what does “Bromelain” have to do with anything, you might ask?

Well, Bromelain tricks our fat cells into releasing the fat in them.

It also decreases inflammation of connective tissue which in turn makes our skin appear smoother and less puckery!

And as you probably gathered from the title of this cellulite reduction method, Pineapple is a great cellulite reduction food!

The Nutritionist on the Dr. Oz show recommends eating 1/2 cup of Pineapple -3 times a day.  She said you should start seeing results in as little as 2 weeks.

However, if eating 1/2 cup of pineapple -3 times a day – is a little too much for you, you can elect to take a Bromelain Supplement. All you need is one 500mg capsule per day.  Just be sure to take it with food and lots of water!

If you want to give this yummy method of Getting rid of your cellulite a try, check out our suggestions for preparing Pineapple.


But if you Do like Pineapples, we have some Yummy Pineapple Recipes and Serving Ideas you can find by clicking here.



This is only one of the  methods on How To Get Rid Of Cellulite from the Dr Oz show.  Check out these other two methods and decide which one is right for you.

1. How To Get Rid Of Cellulite In 5 Days Without Exercising!  (The Dermatologist’s Cellulite Solution)

2. How To Get Rid Of Cellulite In 2 Super Easy Steps.

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